Saturday 4 August 2012

Jewelry Cloth Cleaner

Jewelry Cloth Cleaner

When you buy jewelry, any jewelry, from the most expensive fine jewelry to inexpensive costume jewelry, you buy it because it is beautiful. The gleam of the metal and the shine or luster and fire of the gems appeal to your aesthetic sense of beauty, based on what you can afford. The better the jewelry, the longer you want to wear it, perhaps even for rest of your life, and the longer you want it to have that like new glow, although some metals and finishes attain a warm patina with wear. What you don't want, however, is scratched or gouged settings and dull gems. Accidents can happen, but all too often the jewelry is damaged by carelessness or not taking the few moments necessary to tend to the jewelry.Keep in mind that the harder the gem and the higher it is on the Mohs scale of hardness, the more durable it generally is. At time, a hard gem with high or distinct cleavage is apt to be fragile and may break or cleave if it is struck at the right angle. Hardness therefore is not synonymous with toughness. A tough gem may be soft enough to be more easily scratched but it is less apt to break or shatter. These characteristics have pertinence in wearing, cleaning, and storing jewelry, and in remodeling.

Jewelry Cloth Cleaner

Jewelry Cloth Cleaner

Jewelry Cloth Cleaner

Jewelry Cloth Cleaner

Jewelry Cloth Cleaner

Jewelry Cloth Cleaner

Jewelry Cloth Cleaner

Jewelry Cloth Cleaner

Jewelry Cloth Cleaner

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